
September 2023

Drawing in Murf/Murw magazine nr. 13

July 2023
From the garden

February 2023
Fictional Music

May 2022
An irregular assortment of ceramic bookstands and chess sets avaliable through @supermarketbo or email.

April 2022
Participant in the Education Department of The Headquarters. Guided and mentored by Olga Micińska and Harriet Rose Morley together with Mathild Clerc-Verhoeven, Cecile Hübner, Gersande Schellinx and Chloé Sapelkine.

March 2022


January 2022
A picture of a grandpa is taped onto our kitchen cabinet. Bit smaller than A4, bit above eye-height, quite dark of color and cut out of a magazine. On the left side of the picture, an elderly man holds a folded piece of bread. A white-clothed table filled with flat breads opposite of him. Every time I look at the picture, my eyes channel towards grandpa’s left hand: he carefully browses through the stack of breads as if they are the pages of his favorite book.
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December 2021
She wanted to cool down her snacks in a streaming river and forget about fridges.
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Parts of The Holy Bun and drawings in the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) Wxtch Craft Studium Generale 2021-2022 zine